I don't know what it's going to look like, it currently looks a microsoft document.
I'm okay at design but not at website navigation.
Anyway, I thought I'd do this cuz it'd be fun and because my flatmate Caspian did one.
He's moving in today, on new year's day!
Although, by the time I post this he may already be here!
I did make some new year's resolution but they don't apply til March, so will talk about them later.
I thought for my first blog I'd find 100 questions to answer.
I found some, and I think they're pretty deep.
None of this "what's you're favourite colour" nonsense:
1: What is the story behind one of your scars? I don't have any scars
2: What do you "know now" that you wish you "knew then"? That Santa wasn't real *spoilers*. Honestly, I wasted so much time as a child pandering to that illusion.
3: Have you ever won a trophy? I won some sort of a school wide science trophy in year 12. And in my first year at university I won a film competition's best cameraman trophy. I've still got that one.
4: What subject do you wish you had paid more attention to in school? Probably History. It was so boring!
5: If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be? Well speaking of history! I'd probably have a drink with Jesus because I'm not too familiar with any historic characters. It'd be like that whole coffee with Jesus comic
6: What is your favorite thing about your mom? Her always caring about me.
7: What song do you love to dance to? I don't really dance to songs. The closest thing I can think of is when I'm at work and Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball comes on the radio, and the line "I came in like a wrecking ball" plays, I like to propel my chair forward dramatically like I just broke through something. I stole this from Shinead -.-
8; What was the worst punishment your parents ever enacted? Probably beatings and grounds, like any normal 90s kid
9: Who was the best boss you ever worked for? I've only ever had one boss, and she's AWESOME! Her name is Debbie, and she's really cool because she's always asking about how our life is going (like university and exams etc.)
10: What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't? As a poor student I don't venture into restaurants too much. I'd probably say great taste, cuz apparently the quality sucks, but as a student, I dont care.
11: If you did not need the money what would you do for work? Something underwater, like scuba diver tourer
12: If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for? Gaming
13: What was some good advice that your father gave you? Well, I never really had a father, so there's that elephant out of the room.
14: What grown-up job did you want to have when you were a child? Marine Biologist or video game designer
15: How would you explain love to somebody who had never heard of it before? I have no idea. Probably something about a nagging in the stomach.
16: What is your warmest birthday memory? Well, I haven't had many recently =[ The best one I can think of was when I was 6 or so I went to this frog maze thing.
17: What is a good place to travel but you would not want to live there? India, pretty groovy, but it's probably really hot.
18: If you had a time machine and you could go back and change anything, what would it be? Despite this going against my understanding of time travel, if I could, I would probably go back to Renaissance time. I wouldnt change anything I would just absorb the culture.
19: What toppings do you like to put on your pizza? Meat, like sausage, bacon, pepperoni, etc.
20: What national park would you like to go to? Do we have those? lol, I'm like the worst geographical person on the planet.
21: What do you feel strongly enough about to protest? Not much, I'm not the biggest fan of conflict.
22: Do you believe God has a sense of humor? Why? God totally has a sense of humour. He's such a troll sometimes. He's been this way several times for me but I can't think of specifics at the moment.
23: What smell reminds you of home? None really. Our house didn't have a smell.
24: Where are you most likely to be at 8:00 on a Saturday night? Gaming or at work.
25: Who do you work with that you really respect? Um, I work with a lot of awesome people. If I had to choose someone though, I'd probably choose George. He's got a wife, and a little baby girl, and he loves them and takes care of them, and that's pretty respectable I think.
26; Who is there that makes you want to be a better person? Jesus. Pretty generic answer but hey, can't think of many others.
27: Who is the most dependable person in your life? That would be myself.
28: If you had a year off with pay, what would you do? Probably not much.
29: Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep? The couch?
30: Who is the best living guitar player? HA easy, it is Martinette Williams.
31: On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life right now? 6. Life is a bit boring at the moment (on holiday)
32: What makes you laugh? Witty Jokes
33: What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning? My plan for the day.
34: How old where you when you realized you are lucky? 21, the some age I realised I am unlucky too
35: If you had your own TV network what would you put on it? Old school cartoons that don't run anymore
36: What motivates you to exercise? Gaming
37: What Olympic sport would you like to try? Even though I'd suck at it, I'd try the pole vault cause you would be really high.
38: What is the largest crowd you have ever been in? Ummm.... I don't remember
39: When was the last time you said "I am glad I do not have that job"? Probably when I passed a university college that was undergoing construction. Being outside where it's hot (I have eczema so i hate hot) and also being up really high with nothing to support you but scaffolding. PASS
40: If you could have lunch with anyone living who would it be? My favourite actress, Helena Bonham Carter!
41: What is your idea of heaven? I have two, the generic first one of lots of clouds, light and singing. My other one I got when it was snowing here and I was walking home from church, and it was such a beautiful night. It wasn't cold and the snow wasn't heavy. It was just so peaceful and lovely, and whenever an image of heaven is brought up in conversation, my thoughts turn to that night.
42: If you could spend five minutes with the president what would you talk about? Conspiracies
43: What small town would you like to live in? Probably Invercargill
44: What is your favorite thing about your dad? We've been over this!
45: Who was your best friend growing up? His name was Addison. Haven't had a best friend since (sorry everyone). We were friends from year 7 to year 10 (when I moved). We were like intellectually competitive rivals, we were on the academic team, we hung out and played yugioh and super smash brothers all the time. Was a great couple of years. I had an awesome group of friends alongside him.
46: If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask? I would ask J.K. Rowling how much money she has. It's gotta be a lot, right?
47: When in your life have you had a "now or never" moment? I can't think of any. Not much of a daring person
48: What was the first professional sporting event you went to? I have this recollection of when my mum worked for a trucking company they had a work do at a......baseball (?) game. That was probably it.
49: What job did you have that you would never want to work again? I've only ever had one job at OUSA, and it is the BEST job ever. Everyone who knows this about me knows that, as i say it with such gusto.
50: When have you performed for a crowd? Does preaching count? Because that's probably the closest thing. I told jokes.
51: Would you rather be rich or healthy? Healthy
50: When have you performed for a crowd? Does preaching count? Because that's probably the closest thing. I told jokes.
51: Would you rather be rich or healthy? Healthy
52: What is the funniest gift you have given? I don't think I've ever given a funny gift. I like to buy meaningful gifts
53: What is the best adaptation of a book to a movie? Harry Potter (of course)
54: When was the first time you realized you are good at your job? Probably after the first week, after I stopped accidentally charging students hundreds of thousands of dollars for a rubbish bag.
55: How do you manage stress? Gaming
56: Have you ever been on tv? The news a couple of times. I went to go see New Zealand's Got Talent and I was on that TV, but I guess it didn't make the cut.
57: What goals do you have for your children? That they are smart, not rude, successful, and love Jesus
58: What band would you camp out all night to get tickets to see? Evanescence. She's like the only person I actually listen too
59: When was the first time you took responsibility for someone else's mistake? I used to do that all the time in primary school.
60: What did you do during your childhood summers? Gaming hahahaha.
61: What poem do you have committed to memory? Just this one from Spongebob: There once was a man from Peru, who dreamed he was eating his shoe. He woke up with a fright in the middle of the night and found that his dream had come true.
They probably stole that from something else but who cares?
62:What is the best invention during your lifetime? Probably the cell phone.
63: What is your favorite holiday? uh....I don't think I have one.
64: What creeps you out? Blood eughh
65:Is there a child who looks up to you? Probably, I'm a youth leader. But maybe not =[
62:What is the best invention during your lifetime? Probably the cell phone.
63: What is your favorite holiday? uh....I don't think I have one.
64: What creeps you out? Blood eughh
65:Is there a child who looks up to you? Probably, I'm a youth leader. But maybe not =[
66: When was the last time you turned your mobile phone off (not just on silent)? For an exam, the only other time its off is when it runs out of battery
67: What song defines your childhood?Well I only ever listen to evanescence. So....Lithium?
68: What is the best costume you have worn? My Tuxedo Mask costume for Jessica Neal's twenty-first birthday party! It had a cape. I love capes!
69: When was your life last in balance? My life is pretty chaotic.
70: Where were you on September 11th 2001? America somewhere
71: If you could repeal one law what would if be? Isn't there an anti-smacking law? I'd repeal that
72: What was the last big risk you took? Not much of a risk taker! Probably something to do with flatting or uni
73: Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life? Heck yeah!
74: What was your last brush with the law? None really. The closest thing was when a cop pulled over to our youth group wondering why we were all wearing ninja costumes.
75: Who taught you to cook? My uncle XD I only make nachoes but hey. Oh and Mai and her lovely middle eastern recipes. I should make some of that.
76: Who do you admire as a leader? Pastor Krystle. She's so fiery and passionate and loving
77: What story from history inspires you? UGHH History. Let's just say Jesus and move on
78: How would your friends describe you to a someone you that have not met? Mischeivous and fun (I hope)
79: Do you believe in God? Yes, I have mentioned Him already
80:Would you rather have a beautiful home in an ordinary suburb or an ordinary home in an extraordinary place?
I would rather have a beautiful home.
74: What was your last brush with the law? None really. The closest thing was when a cop pulled over to our youth group wondering why we were all wearing ninja costumes.
75: Who taught you to cook? My uncle XD I only make nachoes but hey. Oh and Mai and her lovely middle eastern recipes. I should make some of that.
76: Who do you admire as a leader? Pastor Krystle. She's so fiery and passionate and loving
77: What story from history inspires you? UGHH History. Let's just say Jesus and move on
78: How would your friends describe you to a someone you that have not met? Mischeivous and fun (I hope)
79: Do you believe in God? Yes, I have mentioned Him already
80:Would you rather have a beautiful home in an ordinary suburb or an ordinary home in an extraordinary place?
I would rather have a beautiful home.
81:Where did you grow up? All over the place. New Zealand, America, Australia
82: At what point did you life change for the better? Becoming a Christian
83: What was the first book that made you cry? I don't think a book ever made me cry.
84: When was the last you where caught in a lie? I don't remember....getting caught :p
85: Would you like to know the day you are going to die ahead of time? No
86: How easy would it be for you to take a year off? Pretty hard
87: What do you think the afterlife is like? Haven't we already answered this question?
88: When was the last time you climbed a tree? Um, I think I climbed one for a film we made once.
89: What TV show are you embarrassed about watching? Anything with the word Star in it (Star Trek or Star Gate or Star Wars) I love my scifi
90: What is your favorite book? Harry Potter! Although Demon Deathchase is pretty good too
91: What goals do you have for your work? I would love to work there full time
92: Who taught you to drive? Hahaha, I don't know how to drive
93: What do you believe will last forever? Feelings
94: What movie inspires you? *shrugs* I don't know
95: What do you want to do with your retirement? Tell kids to get off my lawn? Nah, I don't know
96: How old do you want to live to? I dunno 101?
97: Who would you consider your enemy or rival? I am my own rival. Wish I had a twin.
98: Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? My friends hahaha. I plot for my enemies, they don't know anything.
99: What is the coldest you have ever been? I went to the Antarctic Centre in Christchurch where it was like -30 or 40. Felt good
100:When was the last time you were happy for no reason? I was totally thinking about marraige yesterday (not to anyone in particular) and that I would probably cry during mine lol.
Well that's that.Hope you enjoyed it.
I don't know what people say at the end of these things.
So.....*awkward hand wave*
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